A journey with water, a journey towards inner Peace
Breathing is the essence of life, it is the Flow of the Universe within us that makes us feel alive. This Flow, this movement of the breath, is a permanent presence. Freediving is the Art of living in harmony with that breath.
Freediving is a never-ending journey during which you learn to become more conscious of your breathing, to relax your body and mind without limit, and to listen to your sensations. You play with water, and it teaches you how to feel more Peace, Joy and Freedom.
I started freediving to enjoy the beauty of the oceans, the marine life, the underwater world,
and each dive is now a bath of pure joy.
When you close your eyes and glide into the water, your mind relaxes, your body relaxes and you enjoy the positive sensations water is giving you. Everything becomes quieter, you can listen to yourself and really feel.
Each free fall, each breath is a journey in itself, a journey to let yourself go and to feel more joy and freedom.
Water, the purest Joy of living
Looking at the sea, walking around a lake, playing with children at the beach close to the waves, it is amazing to see the smile we all have when we are close to bodies of water.
The sight of children laughing and playing for hours and hours in water is reminder that Water brings tremendous Joy with it.
Freediving is an incredible way to go within yourself and gently discover deeper and deeper states of relaxation and consciousness.
Practicing Freediving washes your mind and clears your heart. It brings more calm into your life and, with practice, you put more trust in your breathing, your feeling and yourself.
Freefalling, the ultime sensation
At greater depth, over 100 feet, an incredible feeling is waiting for you: Free falling. Free falling is the ultimate sensation, the thrill of freediving. This is what all freedivers love to do, and it is a combination with the narcosis effect at depth.
Every individual freediver will have his own vision and description of this moment of ecstasy. It is an amazing feeling, you are not doing anything, you just relax and go down. It is like flying within water with a feeling of liberty while being more and more at peace. (on your left Jenna Apokotos)
The water flow relaxes your mind, makes you feel joy while your soul regenerates. It is an excellent mixed feeling: you feel more and more going on within yourself while feeling more and more expanded and in connection with the immensity of the ocean all around you.
Freedive Sud-Ouest
Freedive Sud-Ouest is an associative organization, whose objective is to give people access to the wonders of freediving. Together with several friends, we do trainings in pool, we teach AIDA level 2 and 3 and organize outdoor sessions in several locations in the south west of France.
Freediving is a complete sport, and much more with a multitude of exercises and games to play with water and yourself. The variety of exercises and disciplines is amazing and each of them will give you specific sensations.
Static apnea is extremely physically relaxing and is good for your back. Doing long distance under water makes you feel in harmony with the flow and cleanses you emotionally. Going deep teaches you commitment and makes you feel extremely peaceful with an amazing joy afterwards.

At Freedive Sud Ouest we want to share the joy of Freediving and give access to its unlimited benefits of this art of living.
We offer weekly pool trainings:
on Monday evening at the Centre Aquatique Aygueblue, in Saint-Geours-de-Maremne from 8pm to 10pm.
On saturday morning at the pool of Lauga in Bayonne from 8h15 to 10am.
We also organize with Les Aquanautes and the BAB subaquatique outdoor sessions at the sea or in lakes.