Seeflowing, My journey to make you discover Peace and Harmony
I founded Seeflowing so that people may discover the world of emotions and share in the joy that Nature, water and the elements bring us. Seeflowing is an adventure: it will help in the awakening of individual and collective consciousness.
I wish to offer everybody the opportunity to learn how to change their own reality so that together we can create a better world. For this purpose, I learned energy and spiritual healing techniques, in connection with the sensations and the deep emotions that we all experience. Today, I teach the Wonder Method ™, I teach Janzu level 1 and 2; and I give Freediving lessons. Water is an element essential to my harmony and I wish to make you rediscover its limitless benefits.
Above all, I believe in a world where it is possible to live in harmony with nature, if we are willing to listen to Mother Nature and follow her guidance.
Let the sensations carry you, there is only freedom waiting for you.
I have been practicing with The Wonder Method ™ over the last 6 years. Now, I am doing energy work, organizing seminar and coaching people with it. I use it for any aspect of my life, for what I choose to do, learn, buy, plant, cook and experiment.
If we let ourselves be the Flow, everything becomes possible.
Professional path
Following my engineering and business studies in France, at 26 I discover the life of environmental and CSR consultancy in Indonesia, where I work for sustainable development and the préservation of natural resources.
After 6 years and several disillusions on the possibilities for the business world to change, I learn many techniques for the healing of body and mind, approaching life with a more spiritual dimension.
Following the Yoga teachings from Balinese and other spiritual masters, I learn more about energy and soul healing.
The world of emotions touch me deeply and this is thanks to the Wonder Method ™ through which I find an amazing way to create a reality where I can be really free and happy
Since my return in France in 2012, I have been passionate in teaching this extraordinary technique , as well as sensory and extrasensory perceptions.
Water invites me again into a new journey to feel even more joy and pleasure. I discover the “World of Silence” thanks to freediving and learn a new Dance with the Water Element: Janzu
In 2016, I decide to create Seeflowing, my personal development coaching company to give everyone the opportunity to learn how to change their life quickly and in depth.
Education & trainings
- Higher Education
HEC – Haute Études Commerciales
International Master in Sustainable Development, 2006ESPCI – École Supérieure de Physique Chimie Industrielle
Master in chemistry, physics and environment, 2001-2005 - Energetics Trainings
Quantum-Touch : Former Instructor and practitioner (training : Basic, Supercharging, Core 1, Core 2).Reiki Master : Seichim Sekhem Reiki All Love (SSR All Love).
Wonder Method : Coach/Instructor.
Massages : Young living « Raindrop technique », balinese massage.
- Freedive / Apnea
AIDA Instructor, BNSSA
President Freedive Sud-Ouest - Languages
French, English, Bahasa Indonesia - Music
African drums, Didgeridoo
My child's dream
Curious by nature, I need to understand great natural phenomenon, the law of physics and the sciences. But above all, I love to be close to the sea, surfing and living in contact of the ocean. All my holidays are devoted to the waves. For me, water and the sea are Life.
Passionate about the sea, Nature and discovery, I start to dream of an economic world at the service of Nature and not the opposite. A world where we could all live in deep harmony with our environment.
Following my studies in physics and chemistry engineering at the ESPCI, I become passionate about the protection of natural resources. After an internship in the sustainable development services of Électricité de France on the Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean, I decide to devote my professional life to the implementation of innovative Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies.
In 2006, I join the International Sustainable Development Master of HEC which opens the door to the business world and makes me discover state-of-the-art theories on social innovation and new economic models, “the social businesses”.
I am 26, when I became an environmental and strategic communication consultant in Indonesia. I work for the préservation of naturals resources and habitats, so rich but also so fragile in that part of the world.
Finding my way and changing my path
For 6 years I work in cooperation with Governments, International organizations, NGOs and companies pioneers of sustainability in Indonesia such as Unilever, Danone-Aqua and giant local mining companies. Together, we create new business strategies putting environmental and social aspects at the heart of their entreprise. We implement cooperative frameworks and platforms on subjects like organic farming, micro-credit or clean tap water access.
Through ongoing contact with the highest Governmental and business’ leaders, I get a clearer vision of the complexity of the business world and the major conflicts that exist between personal interests, power and willingness to really protect Nature. The inertia of change seemed to me extremely slow in comparison to the environmental and social crisis on our planet. Defence of the common goods and protection of natural resources such as forest and water, were not their true priorities. My desire to change the world turns into a desire to change myself in order to change my life.
I then decide to follow the teaching of a balinese Master to better understand the spiritual dimension of Yoga. I also discover Quantum-Touch, a very efficient technique to do energy healing.
I become aware of our more subtle interactions with the energies surrounding us. I learn Reiki and other energetic modalities that help me to open my consciousness even more on the spiritual dimension of life.
Life become a game
In 2009, I attend an advanced Quantum-Touch class with Alain Herriott in Australia and met the person that created the Wonder Method ™ in 2010. My life turns towards a completely new adventure, where I let myself be guided by my feelings and my intuitions. I learn to use feeling to create change, I learn to play with emotions to change my life.
As a result of practicing the Wonder Method ™, my universe opens, becomes more pleasant, more flexible and everything becomes possible again. I initiate my activities in energy healing and coaching in personal development.
Water, the new breath of Life
In 2012, I decide to end my company contract and go back to France to take care of my family members who were very ill at that time and to re-establish myself in my country.
That’s when water once again takes on an essential place in my new life. The discovery of Janzu in 2012 was heart stopping. After experimenting the benefits of this innovative technique, I train with Stephanie Vautey who is teaches this water therapy in France and other parts of the world. Together, we create www.janzu.fr and Janzu France on Facebook, to build the Network of the French School of Janzu.
2014, was the year of Freediving. During my trip in Dahab, Egypt, with Stéphane Tourreau and other top french freedivers, I understand what free diving means. They make me discover the ”big blue”. I fall in love with the “world of silence” and the calmness of the great depths.
In order to be happy, you just need to dive into happiness. Freediving will show you a great way to do it, in the water and in your day to day life.
Now I love water more and more, and above all the joy and the peace it gives me. By creating the association Freedive Sud-Ouest in 2016, I wish to give to everyone a chance to discover the positive sensations and the unbelievable well being this sport can offer you.